On The Mend

a podcast by The Holistic Health Lab.

Conversations with your favorite functional health practitioners, Kelsey Weaver, FDN, and Clara Schneid, CILC. Click on the link below to listen to episodes on Spotify. Make sure you check out the show notes for each episode for links to our favorite items and resources. Please “follow” and share a review to let us know you love what we are doing. See you On The Mend!


Kelsey Weaver is your last stop for functional health answers. She supports her clients who struggle with autoimmune disease, chronic illness, fatigue, bloating and digestive issues, brain fog and ADHD, and the array of other ailments that plague our modern stressed-out, stretched-too-thin, over-processed-diet population. She dives deep into each case to uncover the possible root causes and works to support the entire system with lifestyle modifications, functional nutrition, and herbal supplements, when needed. And now, she's dying to share how to live better to a wide audience!

Where Kelsey leans far left-brained with the nerdy science, Clara fits in right next to her as the integrative life coach who helps break the science down into easy action items. Clara dives deep into the client’s history, connects experiences to symptoms, validates the heck out of whatever that experience may be, and then recruits clients’ strengths and interests to build the road to healing that makes sense for them. She draws on her integrative life coaching education, and deeply intuitive ability to connect, to find the immediate and seemingly minute adjustments that challenge existing habits and form creative new ones.

Together, they are a superhero tag team for delivering long-term healing strategies to their clients. And when you have a skill like that, you just want to share it! Welcome to the conversation, we are thrilled you’re here! Listen, follow, subscribe, reach out and share your comments, and you can be On the Mend, with us!

For more from these two ladies, check them out on Instagram @HealthwithKelsey and @ClarafyWellness