The 21-Day Hormone Reset

Getting your life back with a detox diet that supports healthy estrogen metabolism and hormonal balance. This 3-week course is designed to educate you, while providing everything you need to execute a successful cleanse. Get simple and delicious recipes, meal plan, easy-to-follow daily protocol, printable resources, and support from a Functional Health and Nutrition Counselor.

Say goodbye to estrogen dominance and the symptoms that come along with it - belly fat, mood swings, anxiety, depression, brain fog, memory issues, sleep disturbances, tender breasts, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, fatigue, headaches, low libido, and more!

One time

What is estrogen dominance?


Far too often, we see estrogen dominance being the culprit in the declining health of both men and women. This happens because not only do we create estrogens in our body, we are surrounded by estrogens in the environment that further disrupt our delicate hormone balance. This overexposure of estrogens is what we call estrogen dominance.

Let’s be clear though! We need estrogens to thrive. We just need them in the right amounts and in balanced ratios to other important hormones. When our hormones are out of balance, we feel it everywhere - in our body, with our emotions, our focus and memory, and the way our clothes fit!

While our estrogens decline with age, it’s important to understand that the relationship between these declining estrogens and other hormones will still create the manifestation of estrogen dominance in our bodies. In this course, you will understand exactly what happens in the body and how to support a healthy balance of all hormones. You can finally feel like you again!

Signs you need a hormone reset

Hormones are chemical messengers that move through the bloodstream telling our body what to do, how to perform, how to feel, how to store fat, and so much more. Everyone has hormones! The tipping of the scale in one direction favoring one particular hormone, can wreak havoc on the rest. Unfortunately, more often than not, the scale tips heavily towards estrogen. Leaving us with some nasty signs and symptoms.

  • Unexplained weight gain or inability to lose weight

  • Brain fog, memory issues, inability to focus

  • Sudden changes in skin or hair

  • Increased belly fat

  • Bloating

  • Mood instability

  • Fatigue or low energy

  • Food cravings

  • Water retention or puffy face

  • Blood sugar or insulin issues

  • Tender breasts or ovaries

  • Migraines/headaches

  • Decreased sex drive

  • Infertility, PCOS or irregular periods

  • Fibroids

  • Depression or anxiety

How many of these signs and symptoms do you relate to?

If you suffer from more than a couple, it’s time for a hormone reset.

One time

What’s in the detox?

What you will learn…

  • Hormones and gut health

    Hormones are intimately connected to digestive health. Restoring gut health is one of the most important things you can do to restore hormone balance.

  • Blood sugar balance

    You don’t have to be diagnosed with pre-diabetes or diabetes to have blood sugar issues. In week two, we will take a closer look into understanding how blood sugar further exacerbates hormone imbalances.

  • Detoxification and metabolism

    The liver is a huge player in estrogen metabolism and breakdown, so they can safely be eliminated from the body. Week three is all about how we can assist the liver in the breakdown of “dirty” estrogens.

Ready to change your life?

The 21-Day Hormone Reset has the ability to change your life using the power of functional nutrition! Upon completion, you will feel better than you have in a very long time! You will have filled your toolbox with the education you need to nurture and keep your hormones in balance.

Sign up now and get ready to feel lighter, stronger, calmer, and more focused after just 21 days!

The 21-Day Hormone Reset
One time