The sugar detox

If you are ready to get healthy, change your relationship with food, learn and empower yourself with sound science; all while following a program that will leave you feeling incredible, then this detox is for you! Ditch the sugar, processed foods, and learn to live a balanced life without feeling deprived.


The Sugar Detox rids the body of sugar cravings, belly bloat, blood sugar imbalances and the need for processed foods. The program has three phases. Each phase is designed to nurture your body and its need for vital nutrients. You will not only break the sugar addiction, but you will learn how to consume sugars responsibility, while creating delicious foods with natural sugars that support health and healing. You will be provided with a step-by-step guide, to-do list, recipes, daily protocol, exercise and supplement suggestions, valuable education based on sound scientific research and so much more!

DURATION: 14 days


Intense sugar cravings, food addictions, lack of motivation, digestive distress, resistant weight loss, frequent yeast infections, weight gain, brain fog, memory impairment, fatigue or energy dips, mood swings, anxiety or depression, sleep disturbances, food sensitivities, headaches or migraines, and hormone imbalances.

The Sugar Detox
One time